

Monday, February 20, 2012


Ex-Blu3 star Jackie Chandiru and Linda Namuli who was the official wife to city lawyer Caleb Alaka do not see eye to eye after Jackie 'snatched' her man. Linda Namuli's problems started when she went for a management course in Denmark.

She left her three children behind now that she was leaving behind a responsible husband but as she settled in Denmark, she could not hear from her hubby as he had promised to keep in touch; instead he gave her excuses on why he could not call. 

Meanwhile, she had started getting news of Jackie taking over her man, children, cars and the house. She did not take this serious now that Caleb could come to Denmark every now and then to check on her. He assured her that all was well and that he could not leave his kids with a step mom having grown in a similar environment.

On finishing her course, Linda had to rush home to see how her family was getting on. The first thing she noticed was Jackie Chandiru driving their family car, a Land Cruiser and later found her overseeing the painting of the house whose construction Linda had supervised.

"First, my husband got my kids and took them to Chandiru's house. He assigned her the duty of picking them from school, which made me feel worthless as a mother and a wife. Where was the sweet man I married? Why has Chandiru bewitched my man?"

That was how Linda was languishing in one of the tabloids. Jackie is equally not having a smooth run after the traditional ceremony (Kwanjula) has been called off for the second time after Linda claimed she was pregnant with Alaka's kid.

"She has tasked Alaka to explain the rumour because if it's true then she is out of this whole unending love saga" a source close to the couple said. For this reason the, traditional ceremony has been called off to the time they clear the space as to whether Linda is pregnant and if so who is responsible.

Alaka is equally not worried about the latest pregnancy news now that he has not been with his ex-wife in a long time. He will even go for a DNA test to prove the paternity.

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