

Sunday, February 19, 2012


The casket of Whitney Houston.
The casket of Whitney Houston will be heavily guarded until the burial Sunday morning, with a whopping 10 security guards tasked with keeping watch on it ... uniqueentertz has learned. 

According to our sources, the casket will be kept at the cemetery until tomorrow's burial ... but will be well-protected until then.
We're told the family will get an opportunity to see Whitney one more time between now and tomorrow morning. 
Today's funeral service featured touching testimonials by Kevin Costner and Clive Davis, among others.
Whitney Houston's funeral program referred to the singer as 'A Child of God'
Final journey: Whitney Houston's silver casket was carried out as her greatest hit I Will Always Love You was played
Whitney Houston's boyfriend: Ray J emotionally reaches out to her coffin at the end of her funeral. The rapper put his hand out and touched the casket as it passed him down the aisle of the church, before collapsing into his seat overcome with emotion
Mpenzi wa Whitney mwanamuziki Ray J (kwenye duara) akilia kwa uchungu  huku akigusa jeneza kabla ya kuanguka.
Saying goodbye: The hearse carrying Whitney Houston leaves the New Hope Baptist Church after her funeral service
Gari lililobeba mwili wa Whitney likitoka kanisani mara baada ya mazishi
Controversial arrival: Bobby Brown got into an argument with security at the funeral because he arrived with an entourage of nine who were not invited
Mume wa Zamani wa Whitney Bobby Brown akiambatana na watu wa Familia yake katika mazishi
Security: The casket will reportedly be watched over by 10 security guards before Houston's burial on Sunday
Jeneza la Whitney lililokadiriwa kulindwa na wanausalama karibu 10
Front row: Whitney Houston's mother Cissy and daughter Bobbi Kristina sat in the front pew at today's funeral (in red circle)
Mama wa Marehemu Whitney (Cissy) na mtoto wa Whitney Bobby Kristina wakiwa kiti cha mbele wakati wa ibada ya mazishi
Order: Whitney Houston's Home-Going Service list
Baadhi ya majina ya waalikwa wa misa ya mazishi

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