

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

[Exclusive] Zendaya Coleman Snags The Role Of Aaliyah

Zendaya as Aaliyah
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is who will be playing the late Aaliyah!
According to our sources, sweet faced singer/actress Zendaya Coleman has snagged the role of Aaliyah (who was affectionately known as “baby girl”) in a biopic that is set to debut on out television screens later this year.
Back in September, Aaliyah’s uncle Barry Hankerson let the cat out of the bag that a movie was in the works, and soon after, whispers of a casting call made their way online.  BET host Keshia Chanté, who has been lobbying for the role for years, even alluded to her Facebook fans that she tried out for the part, but it was Zendaya who ended up coming out on top.
We are told the official announcement will be made this week and filming will begin in the next few weeks.Zendaya and Aaliyah

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