

Monday, September 15, 2014

Black Actress Danièle Watts ‘Mistaken For a Prostitute’ and Arrested!

The Django Unchained actress Danièle Watts and her husband accused Los Angeles police of arresting them because the officers likely thought the couple was a prostitute and client.
Watts and her husband, Brian James Lucas, were arrested and released Thursday after a witness called police complaining of indecent exposure.
According to the police report, the couple was “briefly detained.”
TMZ reports Watts and Lucas were having sex in the front seat with the car door open.
When police arrived, Watts refused to show her ID although Lucas complied with the police request to show his ID. Watts was handcuffed and placed in the back of a patrol unit. A photo of the September 11 incident in Studio City, Los Angeles, California, went viral on social media on Sunday.
Lucas said the officer mistook Watts as a prostitute “because he was asking me questions like, `Who is she? How do you know her? Are you together?”
TMZ obtained police audio of the incident. Watts can be heard saying “I think I’d like to identify you … to my publicist,” and, “I serve freedom and love. You guys serve detainment. That’s cool.”
Watts says she injured her wrist because the handcuffs were too tight. She was released at the scene and not charged.
Lucas and Watts plan to file a lawsuit. They reportedly have an “open marriage.” In a caption for the top photo of her and Lucas, Watts wrote: “Some call us #transgender. Some call us #queer. Whatever we call us, It’s #TIME we #Transcend.”

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