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Friday, September 19, 2014

Big Pun’s Wife Says WHAT About Fat Joe?!

Fat Joe and Big Pun were basically like brothers for the longest. Once Pun passed, a lot of drama began to occur, putting the late emcee’s wife, Liza Rios, in a hard place. Liza says ever since her husband’s death, she hasn’t gotten a penny from her husband’s large music catalog. According to Rios, Pun and Fat (now skinny) Joe had a deal to split the fortune off of I’m Not A Player. She says she still hasn’t received anything thus far. SMH!
Pun's widow Liza Rios has filed a lawsuit against her husband's friend and former business partner, Fat Joe, alleging he's cheated her out of money, per an agreement with Pun.

Rios claims that half of the royalties from her husbands album's, including the posthumous LP Endangered Species, were supposed to go to her in Pun's absence. After 2005, Rios says Joe stopped paying.
According to TMZ, Rios knows Pun's album's are still raking in money and she wants her share. She's seeking more than $1 million.

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