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metty magese

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


 Rombo Moshi Kilimanjaro, Bw. Priva Elian (9) amejikata sehemu zake za siri na kuziondoa kabisa kwa kutumia kitu chenye ncha kali. Amefanya hilo kwa kile kilichoelezwa kuwa ni kugombaniwa na wanawake wawili.
Wanawake wawili wanaomgombea Priya kiasi cha kumkera na kumfanya afikie uamuzi huo wa ajabu kwa watu wengi. Tukio hilo limetokea Februari 27, mwaka huu saa 1:30 asubuhi baada ya kupandwa na hasira kutokana na usumbufu mwingi aliokuwa akiupata kutoka kwa wanawake hao.

Mara baada ya kuchukua uamuzi huo, alimwita mdogo wake na kumweleza kuwa achukue nyeti hiyo na kuwapelekea wanawake hao ili waigombee. Wakati huo huo, kutokana na kuvuja damu nyingi, majeruhi huyo alipelekwa katika Hospitali ya Wilaya ya Huruma iliyopo wilayani humo akiwa amepoteza fahamu na hawezi kuzungumza.


President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete arrives last night at the launching ceremony of the Presidential Award on the Extractive Industry Corporate Social Responsibility and Empowerment held at the Kilimanjaro Hyatt Regency hotel in Dar es salaam. Right is the British High Commissioner to Tanzania Ms Diane-Louise Corner, second left is the Minister for minerals and Energy Mr William Ngeleja and far left is the Dar es salaam Regional Commissioner Mr Meck Sadik.
President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete speaks last night at the launching ceremony of the Presidential Award on the Extractive Industry Corporate Social Responsibility and Empowerment held at the Kilimanjaro Hyatt Regency hotel in Dar es salaam
President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete arrives last night at the launching ceremony of the Presidential Award on the Extractive Industry Corporate Social Responsibility and Empowerment held at the Kilimanjaro Hyatt Regency hotel in Dar es salaam. Right is the Minister for minerals and Energy Mr William Ngeleja and left is the Dar es salaam Regional Commissioner Mr Meck Sadik
President Jakaya Mrisho kikwete greets the chairman of Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TEITI), Judge Mark Bomani (rtd) last night at the launching ceremony of the Presidential Award on the Extractive Industry Corporate Social Responsibility and Empowerment held at the Kilimanjaro Hyatt Regency hotel in Dar es salaam. Looking on is ambassador Juma Mwapachu.


Mgombea anayepigiwa upatu kushinda uteuzi wa urais wa chama cha Republican katika uchaguzi mkuu wa mwezi novemba nchini Marekani, ameshinda uteuzi wa chama hicho katika jimbo la Michigan alikozaliwa. Romney alishinda uteuzi huo baada ya kinyanganyiro kikali dhidi ya mpinzani wake wa karibu Rick Santorum. Ushindi huo katika jimbo la Michigan umeonekana kuwa muhimu kwa bwana Romney kujikatia tikiti ya chama hicho kupambana na rais Barrack Obama. Ameshukuru waliompigia kura na kuahidi kuendelea na juhudi zake za kutafuta uungwaji mkono. Wachanganuzi wa masuala ya kisaisa wanasema ushindi wa Romney utampa nguvu zaidi hasa kwa kuwa kura za maoni zilikuwa zimeashiria kuwa mgombea mwenzake Bw Santorum huenda angeshinda. Mitt Romney vile vile ameshinda uteuzi wa chama hicho katika jimbo la Arizona.


Ssebo akiwa kwenye pozi na marafiki zake
MTANGAZAJI wa Magic FM, Denis Busulwa ‘Ssebo’, usiku wa kuamkia leo alisherehekea siku ya kuzaliwa kwake na mrembo mmoja aliyefahamika kwa jina la Nasra a.k.a Lady Naa ndani ya ukumbi wa New Maisha Club Masaki jijini Dar es Salaam.

Baadhi ya wafanyakazi wenzake na Ladynaa wa pili kutoka kulia.

Sintah akisimamia zoezi la shughuli hiyo kama MC.

Ssebo, Ladynaa na rafiki yao katika pozi.

Sintah, Ladynaa & rafiki yao

Ssebo & Ladnaa katika pozi


 She's already been deemed one of Hollywood’s most beautiful women, and now Freida Pinto strips down and gets sexy for the world.
The 27-year-old Indian actress posed in a heated shoot for Esquire UK magazine in nothing but t-shirt, panties and some added water dripping sex appeal. 
Freida not only shined in a different light for the shoot, but also talked about her upcoming film Trishna, an Indian set reworking of Tess Of The d'Urbervilles, where she gets naked in sex scene but felt comfortable in the new atmosphere due to her helpful cast and crew.
If you’re just doing a nude scene in order for everyone to, like, w*** off or something, then that’s not my thing at all. It was hard but it was a small crew, and they were good at not making their presence felt.
'They didn’t go, "Quick! She’s nearly naked! Get your camera out!'
Freida also talked about 21-year-old boyfriend Dev Patel in the interview, how they started dating and their balance in the Hollywood world.
They asked him, Out of the girls, who would you take on a date? And apparently he said me.
The two of us are all over the place. We’re laughing at each other’s jokes and they’re not funny at all, but we’re just encouraging each other.
Now I’ve learned all these tricks. Always smile, and look slowly from left to the right. But in 2009, I was new to all of it. It was the Alice in Wonderland effect. Angelina Jolie would walk past and I was, like, "Seriously?"'


the first time in four years Ja Rule can celebrate his real birthdayIt's the first time in four years Ja Rule can celebrate his real birthday -- February 29th -- but despite being stuck behind bars, Ja won't go hungry ... and we got the rapper's 2,500-calorie prison birthday menu to prove it.

According to the "heart healthy menu" at the NY State prison where Ja is currently serving a two-year sentence for gun possession -- JR can look forward to some delicious corn flakes in the morning, Jamaican patties for lunch, and turkey stew for dinner.

According to the menu, the entire day's worth of food totals between 2,500-2,800 calories -- significantly more than the USDA 2,000 calorie guidelines.

FYI -- we don't know how he did it, but Ja released his 7th studio album yesterday ... all while under lock and key.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


WAZIRI wa Mambo ya Ndani, Shamsi Vuai Nahodha amesema uchunguzi kuhusiana afya ya Naibu Waziri wa Ujenzi, Dk Harrison Mwakyembe bado unaendelea na ni yeye atakayetangaza matokeo ya kama alipewa sumu au la baada ya kukamilika huku akiikana ripoti iliyotolewa na Mkurugenzi wa Upelelezi wa Makosa ya Jinai (DCI) Kamishna, Robert Manumba.

Hii ni mara ya kwanza kwa Nahodha kutoa tamko hilo tangu kuibuka kwa mjadala kuhusu afya ya Dk Mwakyembe hasa baada ya DCI Manumba kuutangazia umma kwamba ripoti kutoka Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii inaonyesha kuwa Naibu Waziri huyo hakulishwa sumu, kauli ambayo ilipingwa na Waziri mwenye dhamana ya Afya, Dk Haji Mponda na Dk Mwakyembe mwenyewe.

Akizungumza katika mahojiano maalumu ofisini kwake Dar es Salaam jana, Nahodha alisema uchunguzi kuhusu afya ya Dk Mwakyembe ni wa kisayansi na hauwezi kufanyika ndani ya wiki mbili au mwezi.

“Ninachosema ni kwamba uchunguzi nilioutangaza bado unaendelea,” alisema na kuongeza: Sasa mimi nimetangaza matokeo ya uchunguzi? Mimi ndiyo Waziri nasema uchunguzi bado unaendelea na mimi ndiyo nitatangaza hitimisho la jambo hilo.”

Alisema suala la Dk Mwakyembe ni zito na siyo la mtu kukurupuka kwani linagusa hisia za watu na kutahadharisha baadhi ya watu wanaojaribu kulifanya jepesi wanachezea kitu hatari.

“Ndiyo maana nasema ni jambo linalohitaji weledi wa hali ya juu katika kulichunguza. Ni jambo zito la kisayansi, naomba nipewe muda ili uchunguzi nilioagiza ufanyike kwa kina. Nasisitiza ni jambo linalohitaji weledi wa kisayansi.”

Waziri Nahodha alisema uchunguzi huo unafanyika kwa kuhusisha jopo la wataalamu wa sayansi hivyo kuwataka Watanzania kutambua kwamba uchunguzi huo unaendelea na ni vigumu kutamka utakamilika lini.

Kuhusu ripoti ya DCI

Alipoulizwa ni kwa nini asimchukulie DCI Manumba hatua kwa kutoa tamko wakati uchunguzi alioagiza haujakamilika alisema: “Ndiyo maana nasema, uchunguzi wa suala hili unaendelea. Sasa hatima yote hayo unayozungumza nasema nipeni muda.”

Alipoulizwa ni wapi DCI Manumba alipata ripoti ya Dk Mwakyembe wakati mgonjwa mwenyewe na Waziri wa Afya wameikana, alijibu: “Sasa, hilo ni vyema ukamtafuta yeye mwenyewe DCI aseme. Mtafute aseme yeye na Waziri wa Afya, hao watu wawili wanaweza kuzungumzia ripoti hiyo, lakini mimi nasema uchunguzi wa jambo hili la Dk Mwakyembe ni wa kisayansi na bado unaendelea.”

Alisema alichokisema DCI Manumba kinaweza kuwa na msingi ambao anaujua mwenyewe hivyo, ni vyema akaulizwa yeye kuhusu undani wa ripoti yake huku akisisitiza: "Mimi ninavyoliangalia jambo hili la Dk Mwakyembe linahitaji umakini wa hali ya juu katika kulishughulikia. Hilo la DCI mtafute mwenyewe akueleze.”

Nahodha pia hakutaka kuzungumzia suala hilo kwa undani hata pale alipoulizwa ikiwa haoni kwamba kukanwa kwa kiwango hicho kikubwa kwa ripoti ya DCI Manumba kunawafanya wananchi waanze kutilia shaka utendaji kazi wa jeshi la polisi.

Hata hivyo, alipoulizwa jana kuhusu kukanwa kwa ripoti yake na mawaziri, akiwemo wa Mambo ya Ndani ambayo ndiyo wizara mama inayosimamia Jeshi la Polisi, DCI Manumba alisema kimsingi hawezi kujibizana na waziri yeyote kwani kufanya hivyo itakuwa ni utovu wa nidhamu katika utumishi wa umma.

Alisema alichokifanya ni kuandaa jalada ambalo tayari liko kwa Mkurugenzi wa Mashtaka (DPP) ambaye kwa mamlaka na utaalamu wake wa kisheria, ataamua cha kufanya baada ya kulipitia.

“Siwezi kujibizana na waziri wangu au waziri yeyote. Kama amesema uniulize mimi, ninachoweza kusema ni kwamba tayari nimeandaa jalada liko kwa DPP. Sasa nikianza kuzungumza hili au lile itakua haina maana watu watasema nimeanza kujitetea,” alisema.

DCI, Dk Mwakyembe na Dk Mponda

Akizungumza na waandishi wiki mbili zilizopita, DCI Manumba alisema: “Ukweli kuhusu kauli hiyo inayodai kuwekewa sumu, tumeupata baada ya kuwasiliana na Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii, ambayo nayo imewasiliana na hospitali aliyokuwa amelazwa Dk Mwakyembe nchini India. Taarifa zinaonyesha kuwa hakuna sumu.”

“Hatua zaidi zinachukuliwa dhidi ya jambo hilo, kwa sasa litashughulikiwa kwa kufuata misingi ya kisheria,” alisema Manumba.

Hata hivyo, siku moja baada ya kauli hiyo ya DCI Manumba, Dk Mwakyembe alitoa taarifa kwa vyombo vya habari akisema: "Napata tabu kuamini kama DCI Manumba na wenzake waliisoma taarifa halisi ya matibabu yangu au walisoma taarifa ‘nyingine’ na kama waliisoma taarifa hiyo wenyewe au ‘walisomewa!’

“Nasema hivyo kwa kuwa alichokisema DCI Manumba kwa waandishi wa habari, hakifanani kabisa na picha iliyoko kwenye taarifa halisi ya Hospitali ya Apollo inayotamka wazi kuwa kuna kitu kwenye bone marrow (uboho) kinachochochea hali niliyonayo, kitu ambacho mabingwa wanahangaikia kukijua, kukidhibiti au kukiondoa huku vyombo vyetu vya dola vikipelekeshwa na mafisadi kusema bila msingi wa kisayansi wala aibu: “Hakulishwa sumu”, “hakulishwa sumu.”

Dk Mwakyembe pia alitoa sababu kuu tatu za kupinga ripoti ya DCI Manumba: “Kwanza kwa kuingilia mchakato wa matibabu yangu na uchunguzi wa kina kuhusu kiini chake, unaoendelea katika Hospitali ya Apollo, India ambako bado sijahitimisha matibabu yangu, pili kwa ufinyu wa uelewa unaojitokeza bayana kwenye tamko la Jeshi la Polisi unaosisitiza kuwa ‘sikunyweshwa sumu’ wakati sumu si lazima unyweshwe ili ikudhuru, inaweza kudhuru hata kwa kugusishwa tu.

Tatu ni kitendo cha Polisi kujiingiza kwenye suala ambalo kwa takriban mwaka mzima sasa, halijawahi kuwa na dhamira ya dhati ya kulielewa au kulichunguza mbali na kulifanyia mzaha kupitia magazetini.

Januari 19, mwaka huu gazeti hili pia lilifanya mahojiano maalumu na Waziri Mponda ambaye naye alisema kwa utaratibu, ripoti ya daktari ni ya mgonjwa... “Sisi hatujaandika ripoti, muulizeni DCI Manumba awape ufafanuzi.”

Alisema wanaoweza kuzungumzia maradhi ya Dk Mwakyembe ni familia yake au yeye mwenyewe kwani ndiye mwenye ripoti. Lakini wizara haiwezi kufanya hivyo.
Source: Mwananchi


Rais wa Zanzibar Dk Ali Mohd Shein akisisitiza jambo katika Uzinduzi uzinduzi wa mradi wa Matumizi ya Tecknolojia uliofadhiliwa na Wamarekani.
kuliani kwake ni Naibu Waziri wa Elimu na Mafunzo ya Amali Zahra Ali Hamadi na kushoto ni Balozi wa Marekani nchini Tanzania Alfonso Lenhardt .
Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi Dk Ali Mohd Shein akiingia katika uwanuja wa Skuli ya Mwanakwerekwe C" Zanzibar na kusalimiana na wananchi mbalimbali pamoja na wanafunzi wa skuli hio katika Uzinduzi wa Mradi wamatumizi ya Tecknolojia,Mawasiliano na Habari kwa wanafunzi wa skuli za zanzibar na Pemba.
Rais wa Zanzibar Dk Ali Mohd Shein wa kwanza kushoto akikata utepe katika Uzinduzi wa Mradi wamatumizi ya Tecknolojia,Mawasiliano na Habari kwa wanafunzi wa skuli za zanzibar na Pemba katikati ni Balozi wa Marekani nchini Tanzania Alfonso Lenhardt .na wamwisho ni Makamo wa Kwanza wa Rais wa Zanzibar Maalim Seif Sharif Hamadi.
Rais wa Zanzibar Dk Ali Mohd Shein wamwanzo kulia akiangalia Wanafunzi ambao hupata mafunzo kwa kupitia Mtandao wa Compyuta ya Mawasiliano na Habari katika uzinduzi wa mradi wa Matumizi ya Tecknolojia uliofadhiliwa na Wamarekani.
Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi Dk Ali MohdShein wakatikati akiangalia wanafunzi wanaosoma kwa kutumia Tecknolojia ya Compyuta katika uzinduzi wa mradi wa Matumizi ya Tecknolojia uliofadhiliwa na Wamarekani.


Remember the gospel hits that made crazy of everyone back in the time of my primary school were majorly sounds in English, Lingala and instrumental. Talk of the hits that transformed many hearts back to GOD,Makoma were a great story to discuss, they become an inspiration for young people.
Their music was full of love, passion, enthusiasm, energy and desire. The talents of these African group members have been lost for 6 years, and many of us thought that Makoma had finally come to an end! Just like it is, every beginning has its own end. But no, that was a wrong feeling and perception, the great African gospel group is not yet over, in fact, they are back with a big comeback.
Their brand new album titled Evolution was officially released on 31st January 2012 in London. Evolution is the 4th professional album by Makoma. They named the album evolution in away to open everyone’s eyes and ears to welcome the newly rebranded, restyled, refashioned and modern Makoma, back to hit Africa with the Gospel.
On their comeback, Makoma signed a Record deal for the next 5 album / 10 years with BC3 Media which is owned by Philipp Bauss.
On Evolution album, Makoma offer the world an alternative to the “classic” gospel music, their approach is open to the influences of POP, RNB, SOUL and DANCE, the album was produced by an amazing international record producer ‘Andre Straesser’.
Makoma have other albums like King of Kings of 2002, and No Jesus No life of 2005. In 2002, Makoma won the Kora awards ‘Best African Group’ title and in 2005, they won the South Pacific Awards ‘Best Group’ title.
 “Jesus for Life” was their first album, it was released in 1999.
Makoma is an award winning Congolese Christian pop RnB, dance music group that largely sing in English and Lingala. Lingala is the local language spoken back in Kinshasa of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, formerly known as Zaire), their motherland. Makoma was founded in 1993, by Tutala Makoma. They started performing in 1995 under the group called ‘Nouveau Testament’.
They moved Holland in 1997 and changed their name to Makoma. Nayoki Sango was one of the hottest songs then.
Makoma are planning 5 tours for the next 2 years in more than 30 countries, in West Africa starting in Ivory Coast and end in Angola, East Africa starting from Kenya and end in Madagascar, Europe, USA/Canada and Australia/South Pacific.
Evolution album comes with 10 songs which are 42 Minutes together long, namely;
  1. Evolution (04:22)
  2. Alingi Biso (03:52)
  3. Yo Ozali (04:03)
  4. Ndeko (04:01)
  5. Mokonzi (04:45)
  6. Se Ye (03:35)
  7. Maboko Likolo (04:04)
  8. Mokili (04:23)
  9. Sosola (04:04)
  10. Nguya Na Ye (05:30)


50 Cent raps about being in the club, getting drunk, getting shot at, hooking up with women, selling drugs and just living that street life, but who knew that in real life, the bad boy spends most of his time by himself working, doesn’t drink or smoke, and meditates regularly. Breaking from his hard Queens, NY image (which is hard to do when you get shot 9 times), 50 announced on Twitter back in September that he was trying to make a difference and would be donating a billion meals to the hungry around the world. He recently made his way to a refugee camp in Dolo, Somalia with Dan Harris with ABC News in support of the United Nations World Food Program. The UN had reservations about 50 Cent due to his image but he told them he was looking for more meaning in his life. He also revealed that his fans may not understand his softer side.


Mimi na wewe hadi kifo kitutenganishe - Allan na Mke wake  Haika

Nimekuchagua wewe uwe wangu! wangu wa maisha  wa kufa na kuzikana - Ni kama Allan anamwambia mkewe haya maneno alipokuwa  anamvisha pete.
Mimi ni wako Allan - Haika  akimuhakikishia Allan mbele ya umati wa watu
Kwa Shida na raha - Allan akila kiapo mbele ya Shahidi wake Banana Zahor
Hayawihayawi yamekuwa -Allan na Haika wathibithishwa kuwa Mume na Mke
Ishara ya Upendo.


J. Lo was turning major heads tonight as she hit up the Red Carpet of the 84th Annual Academy Awards in a custom Zuhair Murad couture gown. She completed the look with her hair pulled into a high bun to show off the low back of the dress. #Stunning

Best Actress Nominee Viola Davis also stunned on the red carpet in a green Vera Wang gown.

Pharrell Williams looked handsome in a black suit and velvet bow tie.  He was in charge of composing the music for the Oscars tonight.
Diddy made some what of a scene on the red carpet as he got out of the limo, checked himself in the mirror and had an assistant lint roll his suit. His appeared at the Awards show in support of the film ‘Undefeated’ which he executive produced and the film ended up winning the Oscar for ‘Best Documentary’.
Esperanza Spaulding rocked a huge fro as she hit up the red carpet in a flowing blue gown.
Angelina Jolie showed some leg as she walked the red carpet in an Atelier Versace Black gown and her best accessory, Brat Pitt.
Best Supporting Actress award winner Octavia Spencer hit up the red carpet in an elegant Tadashi Shoji gown
Gwyneth Paltrow stepped out on the carpet in a white Tom Ford dress with a matching cap

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Did you see the Fiat Car commercial during the Super Bowl? If so, you have also seen the beautiful Romanian model Catrinel Menghia.
The 26-year-old model not only starred in the commercial, but was also once the face of Giorgio Armani worldwide. Discovered at the age of 16 on the streets of Romania, Menghia has become a hot commodity in the fashion community.
Along with her Armani endorsement, she appeared in the 2006 South African Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, Maxim and was second runner up in the Ford Supermodel of the World Romania contest this past November. She is also currently the face of French lingerie brand Lise Charmel.
 Whoa! Menghia is one super hot model with a stacked resume to prove it! Check out the Fiat commercial below and photos of Catrinel in the gallery.


Kama ilivyo ada ya usumbufu na ugumu wa kupata usafiri jijini Dar wanawake siku hizi wamekuwa hodari kupata siti kushinda hata wanaume


 Rais Dkt. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiwapungia mkono wananchi wa Botswana wakati akindoka nchini humo kurejea jijini Dar es Salaam leo.Kushoto kwake ni Mwenyeji wake,Rais wa Botswana,Luteni Jenerali Seretse Khama Ian Khama.
 Rais Dkt. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akisalimiana na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam,Mh. Meck Said Meck Sadick wakati alipowasiri nchini leo akitokea nchini Botswana alikohudhuria Sherehe za Miaka 50 ya kuzaliwa kwa Chama Tawala cha nchi hiyo.
 Rais Dkt. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akisalimiana na Waziri wa Nchi,Ofisi ya Rais-Mahusiano na Uratibu,Mh. Stephen Wassira wakati alipowasiri nchini leo akitokea nchini Botswana alikohudhuria Sherehe za Miaka 50 ya kuzaliwa kwa Chama Tawala cha nchi hiyo.Wengine Pichani ni Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa,Mh. Bernard Membe (wa pili kushoto),Kamanda wa Polisi Kanda Maalum ya Dar es Salaa,Suleiman Kova (kushoto).
Rais Dkt. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete awa katika mazungumzo na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam,Mh. Meck Said Meck Sadick wakati alipowasiri nchini leo akitokea nchini Botswana alikohudhuria Sherehe za Miaka 50 ya kuzaliwa kwa Chama Tawala cha nchi hiyo.Wengine Pichani ni Viongozi Mbali mbali wa Serikali waliofika kumpokea Rais Kikwete leo.


Mashindano ya Kilimanjario Marathon 2012 yamemalizika hivi punde katika mji wa Moshi ambapo wakimbiaji kutoka nchini Kenya wametia fora katika mashindano haya yaliotimiza miaka kumi kwa kunyakua medali zote za Dhahabu, fedha na shaba huku watanzania wakiambulia moja ya shaba.
Pichani ni kundi la wakimbiaji wa Kenya Kilometa 42 wanawake, wakikimbia kwa pamoja na hatimaye kufanikiwa kushinda mbio hizo.
 Wakimbiaji wa Mbio za Vodacom Fun Run wakikimbia mbio hizo
 Mbio za walemavu za Gapco nazo zimetimua vumbi


Love and Hip Hop cameras weren’t around for the crazy drama that ensued last night involving Jim Jones.
He was maced up and taken in to custody by police after a brawl broke out at MGM Grand at Foxwoods in Connecticut. According to sources on the scene, a man who appeared to be extremely drunk stepped up to Jim Jones as he was leaving the ‘Platinum Party’ hosted by Diddy, and said a few things that didn’t sit to well with Jimmy.  He initially tried to ignore the guy, but when the man hit him in the face, it was on.
Jim Jones crew as well as the other guys crew eventually stepped in and it turned into a full out brawl.  When cops showed up to the scene of the incident Jim Jones was maced and immediately taken into custody. Sources also add that Jim doesn’t know the guy nor does he understand why he got punched in the face.
He’s now out on bail and trying to catch a flight to Orlando for NBA All Star Weekend. He posted to his twitter this morning: