Jacque Pentezel Msanii wa filamu kafa kaoza kwa penzi la msanii chipukizi wa muziki wa kizazi kipya ajulikanae kama Timbulo anaetamba na kibao cha" Domo langu zito".
Habari za uhakika toka kwa Rafiki wa karibu na msanii huyo zinasema Jacque amekuwa mlevi wa penzi la kijana huyo kiasi cha kutojielewa "crazy love' kana kwamba kalishwa limbwata na kijana huyo.
Wadodosaji wa habari za udaku wnasema kuwa Jacque amekuwa akitumia muda mwingi kumbembeleza Timbulo kimahaba"akimpetipeti" ili asitamani msichana mwingine na inasemekana sasaivi wapenzi hao wanaishi wote pamoja kama mke na mume na timbulo anapewa huduma zote kama baba mwenye nyumba.
cha Mafuta Kilichopo Maeneo ya Chang'ombe sokota kimeungua moto Muda Si
Mrefu hadi sasa chanzo cha moto huo hakijajulikana na haijafahamika
kama kuna majeruhi au kuna watu wamepoteza maisha. Moto huo umewaka kwa
takribani masaa mawili bila kikosi cha zimamoto kufika eneo la
tukioMpaka tunaenda mitamboni kikosi cha zimamoto hakijafika bado na
sehemu kubwa ya kituo hiko kimeteketea kwa moto.
Wanaharakati nchini Misri wametoa wito kwa wananchi kuungana katika maandamano makubwa katikati mwa mji mkuu, Cairo hii leo.
Lengo ni kuushinikiza utawala wa kijeshi kuachia madaraka .
Awali, Baraza la mawaziri la kiraia
nchini Misri liliwasilisha ombi la kujiuzulu kwa baraza la utawala wa
kijeshi, huku maelfu ya waandamanaji wanaopinga utawala huo wakikita
kambi kwenye medani ya Tahrir mjini Cairo .
Shirika la kimataifa la kutetea haki za
binadamu, Amnesty International, limewashutumu vikali watawala wa
kijeshi wa Misri, likisema wamepoteza matumaini ya waandamanaji
wanaopigania demokrasia na kushindwa kabisa kutimiza ahadi zao za
kuboresha haki za binaadamu.
Shirika hilo linasema baraza kuu la kijeshi la
Misri limeendeleza utawala wa uonevu ambao Misri ilishuhudia chini ya
Rais Hosni Mubarak, ambaye alipinduliwa mwezi Februari mwaka huu.
Ripoti hiyo imetolewa kufuatia siku kadhaa za
ghasia za makabiliano baina ya vikosi vya usalama na waandamanaji mjini
cairo ambapo watu zaidi ya 20 waliuawa.
Flo Rida knows ... it's not very safe to keep a MILLION DOLLAR car in your garage when you go out of town ... so he worked out a deal to leave it with a local exotic car shop -- and the move is paying off BIGTIME for the dealership. uniqueentertz has learned ... last year, Flo decided he needed to find a safer place to store his famous Bugatti Veyron when he went out on tour ... so he approached a fancy car place called Euro Motorsports in Ft. Lauderdale and asked if he could store his ride in their showroom.
We're told management thought about it for all of two seconds before getting on board -- believing such a high-end car might attract new customers into the shop.
Turns out they were right uniqueentertz spoke with one of the managers, Walter, who tells us the Bugatti has been a magnet for new business ... even contributing to the sale of TWO other Bugattis.
Flo Rida knows ... it's not very safe to keep a MILLION DOLLAR car in your garage when you go out of town ... so he worked out a deal to leave it with a local exotic car shop -- and the move is paying off BIGTIME for the dealership. uniqueentertz has learned ... last year, Flo decided he needed to find a safer place to store his famous Bugatti Veyron when he went out on tour ... so he approached a fancy car place called Euro Motorsports in Ft. Lauderdale and asked if he could store his ride in their showroom.
We're told management thought about it for all of two seconds before getting on board -- believing such a high-end car might attract new customers into the shop.
Turns out they were right uniqueentertz spoke with one of the managers, Walter, who tells us the Bugatti has been a magnet for new business ... even contributing to the sale of TWO other Bugattis.
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